Contents - Adult Students

This page features existing and new resources which may particularly appeal to more mature students of French. See the A-level page for many more advanced level articles, listening and grammar work.

Near-beginner/intermediate resources

Check out the other pages on the site for sentence builder frames you could use to give adults instant success at producing sentences. They can also be a starting point for simple conversations.


A basic conversation when you meet someone
Telling a French speaker where you live
Telling a French speaker about your family
Telling a French speaker about a restaurant
Telling a French speaker what you did last Sunday
Talking about favourite meals
At the pharmacy
Showing a visitor around your home
Useful mealtime phrases
Restaurant dialogue and notes
Talking about holidays
Tourist office dialogue and notes
Tourist office dialogue with vocab glossed
Hotel dialogue and vocabulary
Campsite dialogue and vocabulary
Baker's dialogue and vocabulary
Café dialogue and vocabulary
Butcher's dialogue and vocabulary
Fishmonger's dialogue and vocabulary
Greengrocery dialogue and vocabulary
Car hire dialogue and vocabulary
Train ticket office dialogue and vocabulary
Last weekend dialogue and notes
Next weekend dialogue and notes
Post office dialogue and notes

Life in France and French-speaking countries

Advice for people moving to France
Recycling Christmas trees to protect the dunes
A wolf sighting in the Charente
History of French gastronomy
Saying 'cheers' when clinking glasses during an apéro
The rise of non-alcoholic cocktails
French geography crossword
Tea drinking in France - a quiet revolution
The French health care system for British expats
Web task - renting a gîte
Property vocabulary list A-Z
An official letter
Describing your job
Fast food in France
French political system - historical context (ppt) by Paul Smith.
French education system

Reading with discussion

Science and technology

HS2 - the new British high speed rail line
Electric cars - pros and cons
Genetic engineering - pros and cons
Bacterial resistance
Animal testing
Nuclear energy - for and against

Environment and climate change

Arctic ice melt - latest trends
Climate change - French-Eng summary
Climate change - effects of a +4 degrees temperature rise by 2060
Men and women - carbon footprint
Deaths from air pollution

Immigration and integration

Xenophobia in France and Europe
Immigration and integration
Reaction to Charlie hebdo attack
Recent immigration figures and discussion
Republicanism under pressure>

Social issues

Stereotypes and prejudices
Stereotyping of boys and girls through toys
Using mobile phones behind the wheel
Video surveillance cameras - pros and cons
Family breakdown in the UK
Violence in the home in France
Abuse of the elderly
Prostitution - a prostitute's account
Gun control in the USA
Legalising euthanasia
Secrets of a successful marriage

Healthy living

Legalisation of c****bis
The French and alcohol
The French and alcohol (2)
Risks of eating red meat
Confusing nutrition advice
Organic products - pros and cons

Holidays and heritage

5 texts for dictation or translation on places of interest
The Cité du Vin in Bordeaux
5 great coastal walks in France NEW 10.5.23
9 UNESCO World Heritage sites in France
Tourism - pros and cons
Musée d'Orsay - Tripadvisor comprehension
Tourism in France
The Pont du Gard


TV series or films - which do you prefer?
Binge watching
Film summaries and reviews - matching task
Why do sad films make us feel better?
New Wave French cinema
Internet dating


Anglicisms in French
Eng-Fr translation. Benefits and challenges of free movement of labour in the EU
A-Z of French grammar terminology
Déjeuner du matin poem
Lateral thinking stories for discussion
Interview with a fashion designer
Mexican fishermen story
Les Droms (formerly known as DOM-TOMS)


I call these tasks “video listening”. The link to each video is provided on the worksheet. Please check that links are up to date before you use the sheet. Please let me know if any are dead. The teacher could show these videos from the front or students could do them at their own work station. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE LOGIN DETAILS WITH STUDENTS.

The 10 most popular dishes in France 2022 – from YouTube NEW 15.8.23
The Eiffel Tower – from YouTube/Tout Paris en Vidéo
The tour Saint-Jacques in Paris – from YouTube/BFM TV
House price boom in Brittany – from YouTube
The Cannes Film Festival – from YouTube/Le Monde
Mémorial de Caen museum – from YouTube/France 4
Unemployment figures – from YouTube/Le Monde
20th anniversary of the Channel Tunnel – from AFP/YouTube
Brexit – from F2/YouTube
What is laïcité? – from LCP/YouTube
Role of the president – from 1jour1question/YouTube
Corsican food – from Audio-Lingua (audio only)
The Puy du Fou (audio only)
A stag night style tradition – from Le FLE par les media
Environmental results of eating meat – from
Cheese exports – from France 24
The reopened Zoo de Vincennes – from BFMTV/Youtube
Cycling in the Loire – from YouTube
The ISS – from AFP/YouTube
Terrorist attck on Charlie Hebdo – from Euronews/YouTube
Greenwashing – environment song – from Vevo/YouTube
Wage inequality between men and women from France 24/Youtube
Selling mis-shapen fruit and veg – YouTube
Food waste – – Youtube/France TV
Voluntary work – France Bienvenue
Who decides which clothes are fashionable? – Vimeo
Brilliant short film – passé composé – Vimeo
Béatrice talks about her job – from Dailymotion
Air pollution – from AFP/Youtube
The International Garden Festival, Chaumont-sur-Loire – from Truffaut
Monet’s garden in Giverny – from YouTube
Boeuf bourguignon recipe – from 750 grammes/Youtube
Comté salad recipe – from Auchan/YouTube
Appetiser recipe – from LeChefTV/YouTube
La Ligue contre le cancer – from La Ligue contre le cancer/YouTube
Dangers of e-cigarettes – from
National stereotypes – from cé
Je ne regrette rien (Song by Edith Piaf) from Youtube
Derniers Baisers – holidays topic (Song by Laurent Voulzy) from YouTube
Describing a film – from i-catcher-online/EMC Publishing
Châtelet Les Halles – song by Florent Pagny – life in suburbs?
Beauty pageants for girls – from BFM TV/YouTube
Animal rights – from Canal+/YouTube
Fracking – from TV5Monde/YouTube
Extreme weather and climate change – from Arte/YouTube
Holidays – favourite holidays
Restos du coeur – from TV8Clermont/Youtube/


Murder mystery game
Pictures for story telling
Scene for creative discussion
Prompts for creative discussion and writing – lots of conditionals
What is the state of the world now?
Pairwork tennis match
Talking about cinema board game
Talking about holidays board game
Parent-child pairwork scenarios
Dîner chez les Lavisse – discussion task