Contents - Year 9


Selected from this page


PERFECT TENSE (passé composé)

See also the Year 8 page for many other perfect tense exercises.

POWERPOINT - regular -er verbs
POWERPOINT - irregular past participles
Perfect tense revision Updated with answers
Insert the right verb
Insert the right verb (2)
Insert the right verb (3)
Insert the right form and change an element
Insert the right form and add an element
Regular -er ( avoir) - translation sentences
Regular -ir/re ( avoir) - translation sentences
Irregular( avoir) - translation sentences
Sentence builder frame - irregular pps ending in u
Sentence builder frame - irregular pps ending in s and t
Translate into French (reg -er verbs)
Translate into French (reg -ir -re verbs)
Translate into French (irreg past participles)
Two question-answer board games
Two translation board games (irreg. pps.)
Sentence builder frame
Questions to practise perfect tense (être)
Perfect tense (être)
Perfect tense ( être) - translation sentences
Perfect tense (être) - agreements correction exercise
Visit to Paris - focus on past participles agreements
As above - focus on full verbs
Translation sentences
Two translation board games
Two question-answer board games
Nine pyramid translation games
Perfect Tense POWERPOINT introduction
Sentence builder frame
Gap-fill and translation
Translation sentences
Two translation board games
9 pyramid translation games
POWERPOINT - various verbs
POWERPOINT - describing a holiday
POWERPOINT - a weekend in Paris
POWERPOINT - a visit to Brussels
Two translation board games
A 'do now' to a time limit. 5 gapfill slides.
Last weekend - 'sentence chaos' reading aloud game
Visit to Paris - 'sentence chaos' reading aloud game
Perfect tense (avoir and être) - agreements correction exercise
Perfect tense (various) - board game
Passage completion and translation
Crossword - gap fill - mixed past participles
Crossword - gap fill
Answers to the above crossword
Crossword - phrases to translate
Perfect tense - translation sentences
Perfect tense - visit to Paris pictures
Perfect tense (avoir/être) info gap task
Paired dictation (avoir/être)
Questions in perfect tense
20 conversation questions NEW 14.6.24
Questions in perfect tense with est-ce que
Oral drill to practise negatives and perfect tense


(futur proche)
Sentence builder - "Je..."
Sentence builder - "On... " NEW 12.6.24
Practice conversation questions NEW 12.6.24
Information gap pair task
Two board games (QA/translation)
See also the lesson plan down the right hand column.


A 'do now' to a time limit. 5 gapfill slides.
POWERPOINT: regular future
POWERPOINT: describing a holiday
POWERPOINT lesson: present contrasted with future
Sentence builder - regular stems
Sentence builder - irregular stems
Two board games (QA/translation)
Set of 6 retrieval "do now" grids (PPT)
Sentence chaos reading aloud game
Future tense questions
Paired dictation - future tense
Future tense sentences - insert the right verb
Moi en 2080 (Future)
Crossword (regulars)
Battleships grid - regular future
Battleships grid - irregular stem future
Battleships grid - mixed future
Battleships grid: Next weekend - aller and jouer in whole sentences
Battleships grid: Holidays - various verbs in whole sentences
Next weekend battleships- mixed future
Graded translation sentences Eng-Fr


POWERPOINT introduction
POWERPOINT lesson - present v imperfect
Sentence builder frame
Two board games (QA + translation)
Imperfect Tense - drill
Imperfect tense - drill (2)
Imperfect tense gapfill
Imperfect tense gapfill (harder)
Ecole primaire - imperfect tense model
Imperfect tense crossword
Imperfect tense text and exercises
Imperfect tense homework task
Worksheet for oral and written practice


POWERPOINT - 3 tenses together
Sentence builder frame
A tense recognition listening exercise
Two board games (QA + translation)
Simple stick-in tense guide
Past, present and future tenses (1)
Past, present and future Tenses (2)
Past, Present and Future Tenses (3)
Three tenses crossword
Tarsia puzzle
Past, Present and future with daily routine
Battleships grid for present, perfect, imperfect, near future and future
Easy dominoes for perfect, present and future tenses


POWERPOINT il faut/il ne faut pas with school rules.
Sentence builder frame il faut/il ne faut pas with school rules.
Sentence builder frame: negatives pas/plus/jamais
You're so negative! - easy drill
Graded aller + infinitive translation sentences.
Superlatives crossword
Present tense
Negatives - present tense
Negatives - perfect tense
Yes/no game to practise negation


Irregular present tense verbs table
Imperfect tense
Future tense tense
Venir de + infinitive

See the Year 8 page for many more present tense exercises and other grammar topics (pronouns, adjectives etc).


Ideas for further developing the mosaic translation tasks below
Last weekend
Next weekend
Social media
Films and TV
My town/city


Links checked 18.1.25
Please recheck any links to online videos before you print off or use a listening worksheet. Please do not share login details with students. NOTE: I have removed two ‘portrait d’enfant’ worksheets as Arte have unpublished them.

Oumou – portrait of a child in Mali (Facebook link)

The five major rivers in France

Clémence talks about her five favourite objects (use of ce/cette/ces)

Clémence talks about her future journey to Cambodia (use of near future)

Clémence talks about her future journey to Belgium (use of future)

Peppa Pig – Les vacances de Polly

Peppa Pig – La soirée pyjama

Peppa – La fête de l’école

Peppa Pig – Maman travaille

Peppa Pig – A la plage

Peppa Pig – Le grand aquarium

Trotro – Trotro fait de la peinture

Trotro – Trotro part en vacances

Guided tour of Lyon

Describing a film – DekiruFrench/Youtube

Funny talking animals


15 sentence making grids
5 noughts and crosses games – perfect tense (QA)
5 noughts and crosses games – near future (QA)
5 noughts and crosses games – near future (translation)
‘Change one thing.’ 20 sets of 4 sentences
Odd one out. 20 sets of 4 sentences
10 short gap-fill paragraphs (with options)
5 short gap-fill paragraphs (no options)
‘Make a 10-word sentence. 15 slides.
‘Change one phrase.’ 20 slides.
Quick translation into French. 20 slides, 2 sentences per slide
7 guessing games
10 fluency tasks (oral or written)
‘Listen and draw’. 7 images.
‘Finish the sentence’. 10 slides.
‘False facts dictation’. 10 slides.
‘Yes/no game’. 10 slides.
‘Mini battleships’. 10 games (Word).
‘Mini battleships translation’. 10 games (Word).
‘Mini battleships 3 chunk translation’. 10 games (Word).
‘Start the sentence’. 20 slides. Focus on verb retrieval.
‘Opinions and reasons’. 20 slides.
‘Ever-changing sentence’. 10 slides.
‘Possible or unlikely?’ 20 slides.
‘Find five facts.’ 10 slides, each with a short reading.
‘What happened next?’ 20 slides.
‘Word cloud challenge.’ 1 slide.
‘What’s the sign?’ 40 slides.
‘Match up’ (focus on grammar) 20 slides.
‘Which answer?’ (focus on tenses) 20 slides.
‘Tense spotting.’ 20 slides.
‘What’s the question?’ 15 slides.
‘Vocab recall challenge.’ 15 slides.
‘Comparisons.’ 10 slides.
Paired sentence completion (Word)
‘Which time phrase?’ 15 slides.
‘Sentence creation.’ 20 slides.
‘Sentence challenge.’ 10 slides.
‘Disappearing text.’ 5 slides.
‘Instant chat.’ 10 slides.
‘Finish my sentence.’ Listening – 36 sentences.
‘Start my sentence.’ Listening – 36 sentences.
‘Two truths and a lie.’


Girl abandoned at motorway services
Why can’t kangaroos walk?
An amazing and generous publicity stunt
Ocean level rise
Fair trade
French overseas territories
Louis Pasteur
Heroic charity walk

Drunk man falls from third floor balcony


The teacher reads aloud four short texts, each quite similar, while students do the activities (matching and true/false)

More ideas for exploiting narrow listening and narrow reading resources

Healthy living

My best friend
A visit to Paris (past)
A visit to Paris (future)
Music NEW 21.10.24
My school trip

Last weekend

Social media



What I did yesterday

Future holidays

Future plans


Favourite cooking


Eiffel Tower Tripadvisor-style comments

Parc Astérix Tripadvisor-style comments

Mont St Michel Tripadvisor-style comments

Futuroscope Tripadvisor-style comments

Pets for sale

Holidays (easy)

Pastimes (easy)

A best friend (easy)

Healthy lifestyle (easy)

Fashion (easy)

School (easy)

My future (easy)

Where I live (easy)

What I did yesterday (easy)
What I did last weekend (easy)

Next weekend (easy)

Favourite food (easy)


Translate-transcribe: La Rochelle
Daily routine – easy communicative activity
Talking about next weekend
Talking about last week
Daily routine
A holiday in the past
A holiday in the future
Protecting the environment
Healthy living
My best friend


These texts and exercises have been chosen or adapted to suit lower intermediate students. They are usually short and contain many cognate words.

The three little pigs
The Olympic Games NEW 20.6.24
The three little pigs – easier sheet

The Camargue

Men’s beards have more germs than a dog’s coat


Are Christmas trees bad for the planet?

Ariana Grande

The basenji: a dog which doesn’t bark

An amazing archeological discovery

Taskmagic gap fill on above

Forum post from

Guy Fawkes and bonfire night

Lionel Messi

Astronomy – super-Earths!

Healthy eating

Oceans under threat

Global warming

Chat rooms
Becoming a vet


Stick-in vocab lists – just print off and cut out
Clothes bingo – 10 cards
Baccalaureat vocab game

Vacances – déchiffrez le code

Valise de vacances – déchiffrez le code

Shopping online for a walking holiday

Weather crossword

Expressions of time crossword

Kitchen equipment – code-breaker

Restaurant crossword

Kitchen equipment – definitions

Hobbies crossword

Sports crossword

Physical descriptions – powerpoint

Quel métier?

Quel métier? (2)

Jobs crossword

Jobs Tarsia puzzle

Clothes Tarsia puzzle

Character adjectives

Guess the job pair game


POWERPOINT – The Price is Right game

20 reasons to learn a language

Tennis pairwork game

Web task: renting a gîte

10 standby dictations/translations – quite hard

Y9 oral questions

Hotel reservation role-play

Pupil survey sheet – good for self-evaluation!

Ecole – gapfill/writing frame

Restaurant dialogue and notes

Describing my school template

Campsite dialogue and vocabulary

En vacances – template for written and oral work