Free sites for French

Checked August 2024


Royal Grammar School High Wycombe's (UK) excellent and attractive Languages Online site has a wide range of Hot Potato and Spellmaster exercises for all levels. Strongly recommended.

Cap sur le FLE is a rich source of materials.

Language-Driven Pedagogy is the home from April 2023 for the former NCELP's lesson resources. LOTS of complete lessons in PowerPoint slides from KS3 to KS4. You could pick out bits you like.

Oak National Academy has ready made lessons for KS3 and KS4 (age 11-15) including simple interactive quizzes. Many lessons are aligned with NCELP principles, so be aware of their severe limitations. Just search for the level and topic. They often start with a recap quiz, phonics practice, then focus a lot on translation, vocab and grammar.

Older students will appreciate the accuracy, humour and comprehensiveness of the well-established Tex's French Grammar site, from the University of Texas, USA. The site includes mp3 files exemplifying grammatical structures.

LePointduFLE (Fr) has many interactive exercises for intermediate to advanced students.

Conjuguemos (Fr) has interactive exercises for intermediate to advanced students.

Amélioration du français (Ca) has attractive interactive exercises for advanced students.

Franç (Fr) has a menu of interactive grammar activities contributed by various teachers. Not the best visually, but worth checking out. Good for intermediate or advanced independent revision/practice.

Ortholud (Fr) is aimed at primary French children, but this section has useful grammar revision exercises for intermediate/advanced level learners of FLE.

ToLearnFrench (Fr) is a mine of all sorts of interactive exercises. Old-fashioned appearance, but lots of content.

Have a look at Jim Becker's list on his excellent links page. Jim is Emeritus Professor at Iowa University. You might wish to wear sunglasses when viewing his site.

French Grammar Resources (Fr) contains interactive grammar activities for various levels, as well as material for listening and reading (see below).

The Langue Française (Ru) site has a 50 self-test questions on French grammar. Good for high intermediate or advanced.




Lyrics Training enables you to watch and listen to pop songs while following the lyrics. Excellent for advanced learners.

Bonjour de France (Fr) has a large number of interactive tasks and lesson ideas, searchable under various headings including grammar, comprehension, worksheets and games.

The Zut (UK) site - a reasonably well designed and useful site - you pay to register for use between 9.00 and 16.00 (UK time). New resources are being added to help meet requirements of new KS3 syllabus in England and Wales.

WJEC Digital Resources (UK) has reading and listening material, mainly for KS4. Some can be done online, some need downloading to a computer. Select French from the menu.

Exercices de français pour étrangers has a good range of interactive listening material based on news items, songs etc. Good to recommend for independent work.

Textivate (UK) is from Martin Lapworth. You can create a range of browser based interactive exercises to save or share with other teachers. Easy to use. Premium features require a subscription.

France Bienvenue (Fr) has short videos with accompanying scripts. Good for advanced level listening.

Conversations Mises à Jour (USA) is from the University of Texas, home of Tex's French Grammar. There are a large number of videoed conversations based on three general themes. They come with vocab and transcripts. Good for advanced level. Recommended.

Audio Lingua (Fr) has an archive of short audio clips at various levels. Clips can be downloaded or listened to online. Recommended.

Ilini (UK) has topical video clips for advanced level. They come with parallel text transcripts.
Frenchinaclick (UK) has now become a free subscription site. It has a variety of activities and games at various levels.

TTSMP3 is one of several sites which allow students to type in text and hear it back in French. It would be a great help for students preparing for oral presentations or conversations.

The Languages Online (Aus) site has a lot of material, some interactive with good sound, some to be printed off. Looks good.

Français Extra (UK) has various activities including listening tasks with virtual characters.

Insuf-fle (Fr) has all sorts of resources. Slightly messy interface, but plenty to explore.

French Games (UK) has simple games such as pelmanism and hangman for beginners and near beginners. A wide range of basic topics is covered.

BBC Talk French (UK) has a menu of videos you could show in class or which pupils could use on their own with headphones. Recommended.

Canal Académie (Fr) has advanced level listening extracts with exercises. Good for A2 level or beyond.

TV5 Monde(Fr) has excellent video clips with accompanying worksheets for advanced learners. The "Cités du Monde section is very good.

RFI(Fr) has radio extracts in easier French for advanced learners along with interactive exercises.

Euronews has TV news clips with transcriptsfor advanced learners.

Rachel's French Trip0023 Lumni (Fr) has various resources for advanced level.

France 24 has archived video clips from the news.

The FranceInfo archives are a mine of videos and articles from the news.

France 2 has its own TV news clips to watch and listen to.

La Réclame has French adverts along with others from around the world.

TheINA (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel) (Fr) has a marvellous historical archive of clips from French TV and radio on all sorts of topics. This site may be for the pleasure of the teacher more than school students, but it has fascinating videos which could be viewed by advanced level and university students. Parts of the videos are free.

The GABFLE (Fr) blog has good listening material.

DailyFrenchPod (UK) has a selection of podcasts, spoken at a slow pace. A subscription is needed to access the whole site.

20 Minutes Video Portal (Ch) has a searchable archive of news reports from Switzerland.

TF1(Fr) , a major French TV company, has archived news clips you can stream, as well as live news, weather forecasts and so on. There is a good search facility.

Carmen Vera Pérez (Sp) has produced a fabulous range of hotpot activities linked to songs.

BBC (UK)). The GCSE Bitesize tasks, including practice listening tests, are very good.

The BBC French (UK) pages have crosswords, video and listening material, mainly situational in nature, but very professional.