Primary schools

DSC00855Checked October 2024

Fun French Activities is a blog with lots of good ideas for the primary French teacher.

BBC Bitesize games is a blog with lots of good ideas for the primary French teacher.

My Primary Languages Classroom is a blog by Ellie with lots of good ideas for the primary French teacher. has a good range of primary resources on the Y7 page, including parallel reading, games, lesson plans, simple worksheets and simple grammar. There are free samples.

Languages in primary schools Facebook group

Changing Phase is by well known primary consultant and teacher Clare Seccombe. Her speciality is Spanish but her practical ideas can be applied to other languages. Check her blog for latest news and views about primary languages.

Zut Junior (UK) is the primary resources section of the Language Skills site. It is a subscription site costing £24 a year. Catherine Murphy says: "In this site, you will find a list of topics ... and for each topic exercises for reading, writing and listening skills. We have followed the guidelines of the National Curriculum for MFL at KS2." You will find PowerPoints and interactive exercises. The PowerPoints incorporate sound and clear pictures.

John Bald/Language and Literacy is from independent consultant John Bald. His French Toolkit has excellent practical advice and information.

The British Council has a primary languages starter pack you can download, written by Kati Szeless. This deals with, among other things, how to make best use of a language assistant. There is also a powerpoint which can be used for an assembly on language learning.

Bonjour les Amis(Can) has delightful animations with sound for use with the interactive board. A must see!

Crickweb has a range of French games for primary level.

A Green Mouse has video resources and other activities for younger learners. Could also be used at Key Stage 3.

Comptines et chansons pour enfants (Fr) has a mine of subtitled video nursery rhymes and songs for young children.

French Games (UK) has simple games such as pelmanism and hangman for beginners and near beginners. A wide range of basic topics is covered.

Poisson Rouge (UK) has material children can use on a computer or which can be used for presenting vocabulary from the front. £10 a year.

Languages Online from Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe(UK) has Hot Potato and Spellmaster exercises. Very clear, very usable. Click on the Primary section.

The Atantôt (UK) site is one of the best sites for interactive board resources. You have to pay a small annual registration fee (£60), but it is worth it. The visuals are striking and clear.

French Numbers (UK) is a by Ryan Love. Helping learners master French numbers. As simple as that!

The Mama Lisa's World site has lots of French songs for beginners with MP3 files to go with them.

Hello-World (USA) has attractive interactive games, activities and songs which could also be used on an interactive whiteboard.

Tomlitoo has animal alphabet posters to print.

Teaching Ideas (UK) has a great list of classroom games.

Primary Resources (UK) has some free worksheets and lesson tips for young learners.

Light Bulb Languages (UK) has a KS2 scheme of work, many resources and lesson plans. Curated by Clare Seccombe, primary teacher and consultant. Recommended.

Lasouris-web (Fr) is a links page to all sorts of interactive games for very young (pre-school) learners in France. Worth looking through this.

La Maternelle de Moustache (Fr) is aimed at French nursery schools, but has some useful materials for us.