Contents - Year 8


Selected from this page


Aller + infinitive (with sports)
Aller + infinitive (with various activities)
Perfect tense (with sports)
Spotty went on holiday (perfect tense, 3rd person) NEW 4.6.24
Perfect tense intro - regular -er verbs with avoir
Perfect tense various verbs
Buying fruit and veg - with partitives
Buying meat, fish and dairy - with partitives
Ordering drinks - with partitives
At the pharmacy
Kim's game - clothing
Simple comparatives
Daily routine lesson
Present and perfect tense lesson
Ordering drinks - with partitives
Saying what you had or didn't have to drink - with partitives
Saying what you can do on holiday (On peut..)
Saying what you did on holiday (perfect tense)
Musical instruments
Parts of the body
Aches and pains
Household furniture and items
Countries in Europe
Languages spoken in Europe



'Sentence chaos' game: present tense - common irregulars, 1st person
5 easy 'do now' retrieval grids, various verbs
Prendre, apprendre, comprendre
Regular -er verbs crossword
Regular -ir verbs crossword
Regular -re verbs crossword
Present tense crossword (regular and irregular)
Present tense crossword - guess the verb
Stick-in or display on regular present tenses
Present tense summary and practice sheet
Irregular present tense verb gap fill
Paired dictation - jumbled words, present tense
Paired dictation (2) - jumbled words, present tense
Pairwork - present tense verb test
Questions using present tense
Two translation board games
Past or present? (listening and translation task)
Using on peut + infinitive


Two translation board games
5 easy 'do now' retrieval grids
5 easy 'do now' gap-fills
Aller + infinitive (1)
Aller + infinitive (2)
Aller + infinitive (3)
Aller + infinitive (4)
'Sentence chaos' game
'Sentence chaos' game (2)
Aller + infinitive battleships
Aller + infinitive crossword
Le weekend prochain - near future or future

PERFECT TENSE (Passé composé)

See the sentence builder frames below on the right for more perfect tense practice.


5 easy 'do now' retrieval grids, reg -er pps
6 easy 'do now' retrieval grids, -ir/-re and irregular pps
'Sentence chaos' game - avoir verbs
Present to perfect tense - translate and transform (EASY) (avoir reg)
Present - perfect tense oral/writing drill (avoir reg)
Present to perfect tense - translate and transform (EASY) (avoir irreg)
Present - perfect Tense oral/oral/writing drill (avoir irregular)
Present - perfect tense oral/writing drill (avoir reg and irreg)
Irregular past participles - kinaesthetic game
Labels for game above
Perfect tense battleships - regular avoir verbs
Perfect tense battleships - irregular avoir verbs
Le weekend dernier battleships - regular -er verbs


5 easy 'do now' retrieval starters
Present - Perfect tense oral/writing drill (être verbs)
Present to perfect tense - translate and transform (EASY) (être verbs reg)
Journey notes for oral exploitation - être verbs
Questions to practise perfect tense être verbs
'Sentence chaos' game - être verbs
Perfect tense battleships - être verbs
Paired dictation perfect - être verbs


'Sentence chaos' game - reflexive verbs
Present - perfect tense oral/writing drill (reflexive verbs)
Present to perfect tense - translate and transform (EASY) (reflexive verbs)
Perfect tense battleships - reflexive verbs


Battleships game for Perfect Tense (can be adapted online for other grammar or vocab areas)

Present - perfect tense writing passage (mixed)
Worksheet for oral and written practice - avoir and être verbs
Questions in perfect tense
Various translation into French exercises
Perfect tense battleships - mixed verbs
Le weekend dernier battleships - mixed verbs
Possible/impossible activity
Perfect tense: être verb pairwork
Negatives - perfect tense (easy)
Negatives - perfect tense (hard)
Display - notes for describing a journey in the past
Story - gingerbread man (by Jo Wallace)


Adjective agreements
Etre + adjectives
Adjective agreements crossword
Du, de la, des, de
Du, de la, des, de
POWERPOINT with sentence builder - comparing dogs
Prepositions before towns and countries
Comparatives - comparing animals
Comparatives (2)
Direct object pronouns
Direct object pronouns drills
Direct object pronouns drills (2)
Food quantities
Ce, cette, ces
Au Café - mixed tenses and vocabulary


Comparatives - quel chien préfères-tu?
Parts of the body
Numbers, times, partir and arriver


9 pyramid translation games, using present tense and near future verbs. NEW 5.11.23


Perfect tense - regular avoir
Perfect tense - irregular avoir
Perfect tense - être verbs
Direct object pronouns
Problems with du/de la/des and le/la/les
Aller + infinitive


Always check that videos are available online before you print off sheets. Do not share login details with pupils.

School – from YouTube

Daily routine – from YouTube

What is your favourite sport? – from YouTube

Passé composé song – from Alain Le Lait

Petit Ours Brun et le bébé – from YouTube

Petit Ours Brun joue à la dînette – from YouTube

Petit Ours Brun se lève tôt – from YouTube

Petit Ours Brun a perdu son doudou – from YouTube

Petit Ours Brun fait de la luge – from YouTube

Trotro fait un bonhomme de neige – from YouTube

Trotro a un beau cartable – from YouTube

Daily routine – from YouTube

Peppa pig fait les courses – from YouTube

Buying groceries – from YouTube


‘Sounds fun’. Vocab retrieval game.
Noughts and crosses (with translations). NEW 13.5.24
Noughts and crosses (with French questions). NEW 13.5.24
‘Change on thing’. 20 slides, each with four sentences
Odd one out. 20 slides, each with four sentences
Missing verb. 25 slides.
‘Complete the table.’ 5 slides.
‘Pyramid memory speed test.’ 5 slides.
‘Contradiction.’ 1 slide.
Re-ordering words. 10 slides, each with four sentences
Gap-fill. 5 short paragraphs with options
Gap-fill. 5 short paragraphs without options (harder)
5 sentence-making grids
‘Spot the errors’. 20 slides each with 4 sentences
‘Correct the sentence’. 20 slides.
‘Insert the verb’. 20 slides, each with 4 sentences.
Vocab championship (also on Y7 page)
‘Yes/no game’. 10 slides.
‘Sentence stealers’. 10 slides.
‘Spot the errors’ (with pictures) 10 slides.
‘Mini battleships translation’. 10 games (Word).
‘Mini three chunk battleships’. 5 games (Word).
‘Start the sentence’. 20 slides. Focus on verb retrieval.
French general knowledge quiz. 20 slides.
‘Match up.’ 20 slides.
‘Missing word.’ 25 slides.
‘Paired sentence completion’ (Word)
‘Complete and translate.’ 25 slides.
‘Finish my sentence.’ Listening and vocab retrieval.
‘Match and complete.’ 10 slides, 10 vocab topics.


See the Y7 page for lots more parallel texts.


Cinderella story
The International Red Cross

Tour de France

Minecraft (gapped translation)


Vocab championship
Baccalaureat vocab game

Stick-in vocab lists – print off and cut out!

Cyber-shopping at Auchan!

Excel sheet instead of above. Calculates the bill for you.

Shops dominoes

Shops – ‘Climb the wall’ listening game

Shops wordsearch

Food crossword.

Fruit and veg display/worksheet with images.

Fruit and veg wordsearch.

Fruit and veg crossword (Eng-Fr).
Fruit and veg dominoes.

Protein food dominoes.

Drinks crossword.

Shops crossword
Railways crossword

Railways wordsearch

Railways dominoes

Code breaker on restaurant vocab

Quel pays?

Draw a monster – parts of the body

Parts of the body crossword

Parts of the body wordsearch

Physical descriptions wordsearch etc

Clothes wordsearch
Clothes crossword NEW 7.3.24
Clothes – ‘Climb the wall’ listening game
Questions about food


These can be used with adults and older pupils too
Restaurant dialogue and notes

Hotel dialogue and vocabulary

Campsite dialogue and vocabulary

Talking about holidays

Baker’s dialogue and vocabulary

Café dialogue and vocabulary

Butcher’s dialogue and vocabulary

Tourist office dialogue and vocabulary

Fishmonger’s dialogue and vocabulary

Greengrocery dialogue and vocabulary

Car hire dialogue and vocabulary

Train ticket office dialogue and vocabulary

Last weekend dialogue and notes

Next weekend dialogue and notes

Post office dialogue and notes


Taking sentence builders further
Sentence stealers game to be used with the resources below
France (on peut…)
A day at the beach
A visit to Paris (past/je)
A visit to Paris (future)
A visit to Paris (past/nous/on)
A visit to Parc Asterix (past/nous/on)
A plane journey
A train journey
‘I watched… I listened to…’
‘I played’ (+ sports)
Going places (with perfect tense of aller, all parts)
Going places – future
Using faire (present tense, all parts)
Using faire (perfect tense)
Using faire (perfect tense) with silly sentences
Using jouer (+ au/à la and du/de la) with silly sentences
Using prendre with silly sentences
What I wear at school and at home
Finding directions
Asking questions about a friend’s interests
Weekend (present tense)
Perfect tense (être verbs)
Perfect tense irregular avoir verbs ending in u
Perfect tense irregular avoir verbs ending in s and t
Daily routine
What we do as a family (1st plural)
What my friends and I do (1st plural)
What my friend likes to do
Perfect tense (reflexive verbs)
Films and TV series
Saying what you want and don’t want to do
Saying what you have to (must) do
Saying what you like and don’t like doing (using plaire)
Saying what you can and can’t do where you live
Saying you know and don’t know how to do something
Last weekend


Next weekend


Holidays – present and past

Holiday plans


Describing a friend
Describing a mother
Describing a father
Household chores


These can be used in conjunction with sentence builders above.

Further ideas for exploiting narrow reading resources
Typical weekend
Ads for missing cats
A journey – perfect tense être verbs
My daily routine
What we do as a family
What my friends and I do
Next weekend
Last weekend
My best friend


Revision questions for the start of year

Daily routine board game

Daily routine lesson plan

Sentence swapping game

School board game

Food board game

Lesson plan on D-Day landings

General conversation questions

Questions about school for oral and written work

Pupil survey sheet – good for self-evaluation!

Speaking test questions

Fill in the vowels – written accuracy

Ecole – gapfill/writing frame

Text and exercises on homework

Template for interviews with assistants