
, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Vocabulary booklet for the second year of the new AQA A-level. Word lists for each of the sub-themes. This can be added to the existing one for Year 1 (AS-level).

, Y9 (Low intermediate), FREE

Low intermediate video listening. Trotro part en vacances. Vocab search, true-false and gap-fill. You could exploit this further too with dictation, story re-telling, translation etc. Free sample (see Samples page).

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Easy video listening for near beginners. Trotro a un beau cartable. Short video with French subtitles featuring your favourite donkey-small boy hybrid, French to English matching exercises and true/false.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Four short and very simple gapped dictations for beginners. Introductions, town, home, pastimes. Individual letters are indicated in the gaps.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Text and exercises on Peppa Pig, her family and friend Suzy. Text, tick off correct statements, questions in French, rewriting and gap-fill. Groin groin!

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A set of eight GCSE Higher tier role-plays, AQA-style, with example answers.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Intermediate (GCSE) video listening. Isabelle describes her holiday in Venice. Gap-fill summary sentences. Answers provided. Linked to a YouTube video from France Bienvenue.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

A task-based, problem-solving discussion game called Murder Mystery. This works very well with A-level groups and could be a nice task for groups of competent adult learners.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

I have updated a Y10-11 text about French TV with the articles all taken out. The information was out of date.

, Y7 (Beginner)

A detailed teaching sequence based on using flashcards with beginners. This Y7 resource looks in detail at how you could exploit a set of simple hand-held flashcards. It's part of a new book I am working on over the next few months which will dissect lessons and teaching sequences in details. Scroll down to the bottom of the Y7/primary page.