
, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Listening gap fill. Song Derniers baisers (Sealed with a Kiss tune) by Laurent Voulzy. Easy work on a simple song, but could be done as a 20 minute filler during holidays topic. I've included a suggestion for oral follow-up.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Film review of Gravity with exercises - vocabulary list, grammar task, true/false/not mentioned, oral work. Good for AS level (low advanced).

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Imperfect tense homework activity. Students interview a grand-parent, parent or teacher about their early life. I've put this in the Y9 section under the heading Imperfect Tense, but it could be done with older students.Good linguistic and family bonding task!

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Article and exercises on homelessness. The story of a homeless woman, with vocabulary list, lexical work, questions, discussion and translation.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Story and worksheet on The Three Little Pigs story. This is an easier version of an existing worksheet in the Y9 section. You really ought to use this with the brilliant Lady Gaga version Youtube video.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Near future crossword (aller plus infinitve). Other recent additions in Y7 and A-level sections.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Pets reading and drawing task for beginners. Weather crossword for beginners.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Simple weather crossword for beginners. See all the other recent additions.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Code breaking task based on Christmas vocabulary for beginners. Thsi goes with a few other Christmas activities on the Y7 page. Check other recent additions for A-level: listening and reading on homophobia, for example.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

A help sheet on using more interesting verbs in A-level essays: avoiding être, avoir and causer. You'll find this on the A-level page in England and Wales exam preparartion.

Other recent additions include resources on homophobia for A-level.