
, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Very easy sentence builder frame. Could be used in Y7 or Y8. En France, on peut... Possible teaching sequence provided.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

An easy text with questions in English about the Camargue. Some glossed vocabulary. I'd suggest showing some pictures of the area first, with some commentary in French or English (as a pre-reading task).

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

A short passage completion and translation task covering 12 different verbs in the perfect tense (both avoir and être auxiliaries). Answers given.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Text with exercises about the Tour de France. Informational text, vocab to find with hints, true/false/not mentioned for close reading and bullet point summary to do in English.

, Y12-13 (Advanced), FREE

A text with questions and translation in English on the subject of violence against women. Answers given. Maybe best done in class to avoid Google Translate?? Available free on the Samples page.

, Y7 (Beginner)

A beginner game of 'strip bingo' using full sentences as opposed to individual words. This supplies lots of comprehensible listening and reading for beginners. Common verbs used.

, Y7 (Beginner)

A beginner sentence builder called 'Moi'. Name, age, height, hair, eyes, likes, what I play, what I do. Suggested teaching sequence and extra gapped sentence builder provided.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

A simple sentence builder frame on the subject of future holiday plans (using the near future - aller + infinitive. Possible lesson plan suggested. Usable with Y7 and Y9, or even as a simple pared-down model for Y10-11.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

An instant 30 minute listening text for Y11 (or even Y12 - AQA cyber-société sub-theme). A teacher read text about personal data protection online. True/false/not mentioned and gap-fill with options. Answers given. There are a number of these on the Y10-11 page, at various levels.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Video listening. A good report from France Info TV about a charity which collects waste food from markets around France, redistributing it to people in need - la tente des glaneurs. Questions in English as this report is fairly long at 5m 45. Answers given. Best for Y13 or a high-flying Y12. This would fit with the themes of volunteering, sustainable development and poverty.