Web task. Men's clothing vocabulary. Students search the jules.com website to identify men's clothes vocabulary. Jules is a popular, moderately priced men's clothes store. Nice 20-30 minute browsing activity for the computer room or iPad.
Guided translation task called Mon chien. This is like partial parallel reading with an easy text in French and gapped English version to complete. True/false and gapped French sentences also provided to keep emphasis on target language.
Translation into French worksheet on prepositions for near beginners. I would use this for revision and possibly work through it orally at first, depending on the class.
Text and exercises on overcrowding in French prisons. Article, vocabulary list to complete, questions about the text, general questions on prison and law and order.
Video listening for near beginners: Trotro fait un bonhomme de neige. Linked video with sentences to recognise, gapped translation and a mini story in French to complete. By the way, if you didn't know, Trotro is a cute little donkey much loved by toddlers in France. Fortunately, unlike most donkeys, he speaks French slowly and clearly.
Parallel reading passage and exercise on the organisation Islamic State. Some useful background knowledge for students.
Parallel reading. The story of three Mexican fishermen rescued after drifting 8000km across the Pacific. True/false/not mentioned exercise and an idea for written exploitation.
A French to English translation on the subject of the cartoon book market in France. Model answer provided as for all the translations on the site.
Two parallel readings for intermediate level. Weird hotel complaints and phobias. Parallel French-English text, true/false/not mentioned and other exercises.
Two parallel readings for intermediate level. The first is about young people's changing online behaviour in France, the second about superheroes. Parallel texts (French and English) with true sentences to identify and some gap fill. Could work with excellent Y9 pupils.