Text and exercises on the new Cité du Vin, just opened in Bordeaux. Article, vocabulary list to complete, true sentences to identify and translation into English. This fits well with the cultural heritage sub-themes for the new AS/A-levels. Easy advanced level. I have also placed this on the Adult Student page.
Video listening linked to a BFM TV report about French families today. Short news report, vocabulary to spot, matching task, questions in French. A useful 20-25 minute task to supplement work about changing family structures (AS/A-level).
Two model summary tasks for the new AS-level exam. Include source text, strategies and model summaries.
Vocabulary booklet for the new Pearson Edexcel AS/A-level (sub-themes 1-6). This is designed to be handed out to students for reference.
A four page document on essay language for AS/A-level. This is to help students write about film and literature. The support materials for AS/A-level are building up fast. Check out the blog for reviews of other A-level courses.
Two concise guides to writing AS-level essays on film and literature, one for AQA, the other for Pearson Edexcel. Includes model essays.
I have created a booklet of all the existing AS-level cloze/multi-choice worksheets. These are aimed at low advanced students (AS-level). All the answers are supplied at the end. You could do these in class or hand out for revision and self-study. The focus is mainly on verb forms and adjective agreements.
Lesson plan, poem and video listening worksheet on the subject of Alzheimer's disease. There is a touching short silent video also as part of this lesson. This should raise awareness of the illness and help improve students' listening and reading skills. The poem is delightful. A good way to bring a literary text into your work with good intermediate pupils (higher Tier GCSE). Would need handling with sensitivity.
Text and exercise on volunteering. Elise is a runner who volunteered to help with a race in Paris. She blogs about her experience. Vocabulary list to complete, true sentences to tick, questions, translation both ways, lexical work, oral practice. Good for new AS/A-levels.
A guide to writing good GCSE essays (Higher Tier). There is a PowerPoint version and Word handout, with mark schemes, advice and a model essay. I have previously posted a similar resource for Foundation Tier. This is for the new GCSE, first teaching from September 2016. You could adapt it to help with composition writing in general.