
, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Grammar notes for handing out on adverbial pronouns y and en.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Table of irregular verbs in the present tense. This could be handed out at intermediate or even advanced level for revision.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Grammar notes on aller + infinitive (futur proche).

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Grammar notes on venir de + infinitive. I hae been adding quite a few grammar reference notes recently. See Y8, Y9 and Y10-11.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Article and exercises on reaction to the Charlie Hebdo and kosher restaurant attacks in Paris. Film maker Laurent Cantet give shis view. With questions in French, vocabulary work, translation into French and an explanation of laïcité in English which can be used for discussion.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

More grammar notes for handing out added: indirect object pronouns, relative pronouns and asking questions. Remember that similar notes are free on the whiteboard notes page, but are presented more boldly for display there.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Three new grammar handouts for Y10-11 (intermediate). Adverbs, adjectives, negatives, the conditional tense and using pour, pendant and depuis.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Grammar explanation handout on the imperfect tense. Y9 or above. This is part of a series of these I am working on. They may be of particular use if your students do not have access to a textbook at home or if you find the text book explanations unsuitable.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Three sets of grammar notes for handing out to students. They could be used for display. Perfect tense - regular avoir verbs, irregular avoir and être verbs. Designed for Y8, but could be used with Y9 (very low intermediate).

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

A set of notes on the subjunctive (present tense). This is a new departure, as I do not normally produce grammar notes for handing out. Expect to see more of these. The notes are for reference only, but can be used alongside the subjunctive worksheets on the A-level page.