
, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Foundation tier role-play examples for the new AQA GCSE specification. Example scripts provided. See my recent blog post for some commentary on role-plays.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A second adapted and abridged extract from Le Petit prince, this time with a vocabulary list to complete and questions in English. About the futility of amassing wealth.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A short extract from Le Petit prince (adapted) with a true/false/not mentioned exercise and translation. In line with new GCSE content. A very good Y9 class could do this.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A second set of Higher Tier AQA GCSE photo card practice examples. There are now four sets of photo card stimuli on the site, with a total of about 36 examples. All for the new specification starting next year.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

I've just uploaded a second set of photo card stimuli for oral work. These are based on the AQA speaking test model (first teaching September 2016) and include five questions each. There are now three sets of these photos, two Foundation Tier (easier), two Higher Tier. You could include these in your future schemes of work.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Texts and exercises about voluntary work. An example of "narrow reading" - several short texts with recycled vocabulary, followed by various tasks: matching, "find the French", lexical study, gap-fill, translation both ways and oral work. For English and Welsh teachers this topic fits perfectly with AQA's new AS-level syllabus (low advanced level.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Parallel reading and exercises on zombies. Text, true/false/not mentioned and gap-fill. Answers provided. You could make a booklet of the parallel reading material for independent reading.

, Y7 (Beginner)

For beginners I have added two simple gapped translations into French (My dog and My town). These could be used as follow-up tasks to their equivalent translations into English. These may suit teachers who wish to develop their pupils' translations skills from an early stage.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Video listening for low advanced level (AS level). A 2 minute TV report about working for Les Restos du coeur. Questions in French and "find the French". Answers provided. I wrote this with an eye on the new AQA AS specification from September.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Article and exercises about integration in France. Based on a recent in-depth report, the article looks at how successfully France is integrating migrants and their descendants. Exercises include identifying true sentences, lexical work, translation, questions and oral work.