
, Y7 (Beginner)

Parallel reading for beginners. Ma maison. Plus tick off the correct sentences and tick off sentenecs which would apply to your own house.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Another simple parallel reading task for beginners. Mon chien. Plus tick off the correct sentences and a vocabulary list to complete.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Very simple parallel reading task for complete beginners. Ma famille.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Two new parallel reading activities for near beginners. One about becoming a vet, the other a simple poem. See the blog for more details on parallel reading.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Parallel reading for beginners about meerkats.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Dans ma chambre wordsearch for beginners. I have been adding resources which might suit primary pupils too.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Fruit and vegetables wordsearch for beginners.

, Adult students

Article and questions about the French health care system for British expats.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Beginner crossword on animals, French to English. Easy level.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Two new beginner crosswords, one on fruit and veg, one on classroom objects. Both are from French to English, so quite easy.