Parallel reading for beginners. Ma maison. Plus tick off the correct sentences and tick off sentenecs which would apply to your own house.
Another simple parallel reading task for beginners. Mon chien. Plus tick off the correct sentences and a vocabulary list to complete.
Very simple parallel reading task for complete beginners. Ma famille.
Two new parallel reading activities for near beginners. One about becoming a vet, the other a simple poem. See the blog for more details on parallel reading.
Parallel reading for beginners about meerkats.
Dans ma chambre wordsearch for beginners. I have been adding resources which might suit primary pupils too.
Fruit and vegetables wordsearch for beginners.
Article and questions about the French health care system for British expats.
Beginner crossword on animals, French to English. Easy level.
Two new beginner crosswords, one on fruit and veg, one on classroom objects. Both are from French to English, so quite easy.