
, Y9 (Low intermediate)

A new sentence builder for the Y9 page. 'Futur proche' using examples beginning with 'On va.. ' (We're going to...). Includes a gapped version and ideas for exploitation. CEFR A1/2.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

I have added a new 'portrait d'enfant' video listening task to the Y10-11 collection. The activity consists of correcting false statements. Answers given. CEFR A2. I love these videos.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A simple sentence builder added to the Y10-11 collection. These are to support weaker students. Topic: celebrity culture, from the new AQA spec. CEFR A2.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Video listening. A lovely report about a very elderly American couple who got married in Normandy on 6th June 2024. Questions in French. You'll find this in the current affairs section. CEFR B1.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Video listening based on a 1jour1question video about the D-Day landings. Gap-fill, plus oral recap. Good for AS-level (Y12). CEFR B1.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

A PowerPoint lesson to practise holiday language in the past (perfect tense). Illustrated slides, a memory test, oral summary and a few 'disappearing text' slides. Lots of opportunities to listen, read and speak. Plenty of built-in repetition. Editable. CEFR A1.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

A listening/reading activity based on a 1jour1question video entitled 'Qui est Aya Nakamura ?'. Students listen, then complete the gap-fill, which is a ChatGPT summary of the video transcript. Options are provided.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

PowerPoint called 'Spotty est parti en vacances'. A lesson sequence of about 30 minutes with examples of 3rd person sentences, a guessing game and memory test. CEFR A1.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A text with exercises for Y10-11 (GCSE). An article (ChatGPT) about banning social media use for under-15s. Vocab to find, written bullet point summary, oral summary, false statements to correct, translation into French. CEFR A2.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

A text with exercises. Based on a text about a French bill to ban social media use for under 15s (i.e. changing the age of 'digital majority' from 13 to 15). Pre-reading questions, text, vocab to find, multi-choice, questions, lexical work, oral summary. Good discussion issue for Y13 (CEFR B2).