
, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Text and exercises based on a prisoner's blog. Vocab and sentences to complete and a translation into English.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Two new sentence builder frames on the future tense, one for regular stems, the other for irregular. Suggested teaching sequence provided as usual.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Two sentence builder frames on perfect tense, avoir verbs, one with past participles ending in u, the other with past participles ending in s and t. These can be found on both the Y8 and Y9 pages.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

Two new sentence builder frames to practise the perfect tense with être and reflexive verbs. You'll also find these on the Y9 page. Suggested teaching sequences provided.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

Introductory PowerPoint presentation on reflexive verbs in the perfect tense. Images in sequence, repetition, memory work, grammar to discuss.

, Y7 (Beginner)

A sentence builder frame about favourite school subjects with reasons, together with a suggested teaching sequence.

, Y7 (Beginner)

An easy sentence builder frame for talking about pastimes. Possible teaching sequence provided. There are quite a few of these now on the Y7 and Y8 pages. Accessible to all abilities.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Text and exercises on antisemitism and islamophobia in France. Discussion of reliability of the figures. Vocab to find, bullet point summary in English, lexical work and translation.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

I have updated links to three Peppa Pig videos on the Y9 and y10-11 pages. Sometimes these go dead, so if you come across any that don't work please let me know. Similarly for any other video or audio links on the site. Thanks.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Two new sentence builder frames + suggested teaching sequence. One on favourite means of transport, the other called; "Where are going? Why?" Many teachers and pupils like these productive activities which provide quick success and mastery.