
, Y7 (Beginner)

Beginner sentence builder frame for practising "Ça va?" with a selection of responses. Suggested teaching sequence provided.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

Video listening, intermediate level (Higher GCSE). This is a gap-fill based on a 1jour1question video. Quite fast and challenging. Vocab given to help.

, Y12-13 (Advanced)

Reading text with exercises. This a gilet jaune giving her account of events. Vocab to find, lexical work, oral and written summary, gap-fill and translation.

, Y7 (Beginner)

PowerPoint-based lesson on the immediate future (first person only). Sentence builder frame, reading aloud, oral games, translation.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

PowerPoint-based lesson on using present and future tenses. Sentence builder frame, reading aloud, oral games, translation. Instructions for using the sequence are provided, but you can use or edit as you please.

, Y8 (Very low intermediate)

PowerPoint-based lesson on daily routine. Sentence builder frame, oral games, translation.

, Y7 (Beginner)

Two PowerPoint-based lessons to practise using -er verbs in the present tense. The first just uses the first person, the second other persons. Sentence builder frame, oral games and translation. Instructions given for the teacher.

, Y9 (Low intermediate)

PowerPoint-based lesson on using the present and imperfect tense. Sentence builder grid, oral games, translation. First person only. This could be used as an introduction to the imperfect tense or for consolidation.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A PowerPoint based lesson on using two verbs together (e.g. J'ai décidé de parler). Sentence builder grid, plus suggested teaching sequence, game and translation.

, Y10-11 (Intermediate)

A PowerPoint lesson sequence to practise using the word que as a relative pronoun. Many repetitions! This includes a sentence builder grid and teaching sequence,including a "sentence stealers" game and translation. You could use this with a very good Y9 class. You'll find this resource in the grammar section.